It’s Tuesday, and that means it’s time for The Analog Kid Blog to go back in time and feature some of the funkin’ grooviest R&B/soul songs of the ’60s, ’70s, and ’80s. Sometimes I’ll feature songs from individual artists or from a specific year, and other times you’ll get an entire full-length classic LP ripped directly from the Analog Kid’s vast vinyl vault. Warning: by R&B/soul, I also mean disco. I might go all KC & The Sunshine Band on your ass at any given moment, so just be ready!
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The Analog Kid owns almost 6,000 LPs, but there has always been a big hole in my collection that I have been longing to fill for years: somehow, I’ve never acquired any albums from the Andrea True Connection. And believe me, I’ve been looking! I had a 7″ copy of “More, More, More” when I was nine, and I’ve always been fascinated by the band (and this was before I knew anything about Andrea’s alternate profession!). Every time I go into a used record shop, I look under “A,” and then I look under “T,” and then I even look under “C” for anything by the band. Nada. Diddly. Bupkis.
All of that changed yesterday when I made my weekly pilgrimage to my local Half Price Books store. As always, I looked under “A”– somebody recently sold back a metric shit-ton of Atlanta Rhythm Section LPs, but there was no Andrea True. I looked under “T”– damn, who bought all of this James Taylor crap in the first place? I even looked under “C” again, even though I know that seems to make no sense (more on that in a moment). I gave up on finding any Andrea True vinyl, and instead made my way over to the $1 CD section. Hey, a $1 copy of Big Black’s Songs About Fucking! One hundred pennies for Bon Jovi’s first album! Two fifty-cent pieces for Funhouse by The Stooges!
My day had already been a successful one thanks to my CD score (there may also have been a $1 copy of Barbra Streisand’s People in my haul, but I’ll never tell), but now I had to get in the dreaded Half Price Books checkout line. This particular HPB location is always packed, and the line was even longer than normal.
“No problem,” I thought. “I’ll just browse through some more vinyl until the line clears out.”
And then a miracle happened while I was randomly flipping through the “W” section– behold!!
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It was a copy of 1977’s White Witch, the second album from Andrea True Connection. Would I have preferred a mint copy of More, More, More in place of its semi-obscure follow-up? Of course I would. But I certainly wasn’t going to complain about stumbling upon a super-rare piece of vintage vinyl, especially since it was filed in the “W” section. Perhaps now you see why I always look in the “C” section when searching for Andrea True Connection vinyl– the guy who files the records at my local Half Price Books seems to struggle just a bit with proper categorization. I can only assume that he filed the record under “W” because he thought the band was called White Witch, which would be OK except for the fact that he also apparently thought the name of the album was The Andrea True Connection. No wonder this yo-yo puts $14.99 price tags on cut-out copies of Stop And Smell The Roses— he’s clearly not the brightest star in the Half Price Books universe. I present further evidence: after finding the copy of White Witch, I noticed that there was a beautiful copy of Paul McCartney & Wings’ Venus And Mars filed right at the front of the miscellaneous “V” section. <SIGH>
Anal-retentive filing issues aside (and yes, I relocated Venus And Mars to its proper location before checkout), I was thrilled to finally fill a portion of my Andrea True Connection hole. I ripped the LP last night, and today I am happy to share it with you on this grooviest of Tuesdays. Most people think of the Andrea True Connection as a one-hit wonder led by a porn star, but that’s not really the case: “N.Y. You Got Me Dancing” reached #27 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1977, and “What’s Your Name, What’s Your Number” was a minor hit as well.
But yeah, Andrea was a porn star. I swear that I did not own any of her work in that particular field when I was nine. Honest. I promise!
Next week, I’ll likely continue my quest for that long-sought vinyl copy of More, More, More. I think I’ll start by looking under “M”…
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Andrea True Connection: White Witch
Buddah Records, 1977
Vinyl rip courtesy of The Analog Kid
1. “What’s Your Name, What’s Your Number” (Roger Cook/Bobby Woods)
What’s Your Name, What’s Your Number
2. “You Make Love Worthwhile” (Robert Brown/Doug Cosman)
3. “Life Is What You Make It” (Alvin Fields/Michael Zager)
4. “It’s All Up To You” (Alvin Fields/Michael Zager)
5. “N.Y. You Got Me Dancing” (Gregg Diamond)
6. “White Witch” (Andrea True/Val Burke)
7. “Sally Can’t Dance” (Lou Reed)
Bonus Tracks!
The first rule of The Analog Kid blog is that if you write about a song on the Analog Kid blog, you share the song on the Analog Kid blog.
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Andrea True Connection: “More, More, More” (Gregg Diamond)
From the album More, More, More
Buddah Records, 1976
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Atlanta Rhythm Section: “So Into You” (Buie/Duaghtry/Nix)
From the album A Rock And Roll Alternative
Polydor Records, 1976
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James Taylor: “Handy Man” (Blackwell/Jones)
From the album JT
Columbia Records, 1977
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Big Black: “The Model” (Karl Bartos/Ralf Hutter/Emil Schult)
From the album Songs About Fucking
Touch And Go Records, 1987
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Bon Jovi: “She Don’t Know Me” (Bon Jovi)
From the album Bon Jovi
Mercury Records, 1984
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The Stooges: “Down On The Street” (The Stooges)
From the album Fun House
Elektra Records, 1970
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Barbra Streisand: “People” (Bob Merrill/Julie Styne)
From the album People
Columbia Records, 1964
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Ringo Starr: “Wrack My Brain” (George Harrison)
From the album Stop And Smell The Roses
Boardwalk Records, 1981
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Wings: “Letting Go” (Paul & Linda McCartney)
From the album Venus And Mars
Capitol Records, 1976
Filed under: Disco, One-Hit Wonders, Pop, Punk, Rock, Soul/R&B Tagged: Analog Kid, Andrea True Connection, Atlanta Rhythm Section, Barbra Streisand, Big Black, Blondie, Bon Jovi, James Taylor, Lou Reed, More More More, NY You Got Me Dancing, Ringo Starr, The Stooges, Venus And Mars, White Witch, Wings Image may be NSFW.
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